Janelle Baldosser Director of Health Center & Counseling Campus Center (419) 448-2042 jbaldoss@images-collector.com
Linda Barger Facilities Office and Warehouse Manager Krammes Service Center 108A (419) 448-2391 lbarger@images-collector.com
Garrett Barnes Graduate Assistant for Men's Soccer Seiberling Gymnasium gbarnes1@images-collector.com
Cathy Belfiore Director of Financial Aid University Hall C114 (419) 448-2622 cbelfior@images-collector.com
Nate Beres Dean of Academic Strategic Operations Associate Professor of Chemistry Bareis Hall 116 (419) 448-2015 nberes@images-collector.com
Amy Berger Chair of Biological & Environmental Science Professor of Environmental Science Bareis Hall 130 (419) 448-2292 aberger@images-collector.com
Benjamin Bodart Technical Director for the School of Music and Theatre Founders Hall (419) 448-2073 bbodart@images-collector.com
Jakob Boehler Field Manager & Sandusky River Watershed Coalition Coordinator Gillmor Science Hall 315 (419) 448-2054 jboehler@images-collector.com
Steven Borawski Title III Project Director Heidelberg University (419) 448-2064 sborawsk@images-collector.com
Kathy Borton Associate Director of Admission University Hall (419) 448-2339 kborton@images-collector.com
Sherri Bowerman Administrative Assistant for the School of Education Lavely-Shedenhelm Education Center 116 (419) 448-2125 sbowerma@images-collector.com
Barbara Breen Associate Director of Admission University Hall (419) 448-2335 bbreen@images-collector.com
David Briggs Academic Advising Coordinator Beeghly Library 219 (419) 448-2237 dbriggs2@images-collector.com
Marianne Briggs Head Women's Softball Coach Seiberling Gymnasium (419) 448-2289 mdeppe@images-collector.com
Andy Bucheit Head Men's Basketball Coach Seiberling Gymnasium 222B (419) 448-2006 abucheit@images-collector.com
Ted Carlin Visiting Assistant Professor of Media & Director of the GEM Center GEM Center 419-448-2032 tcarlin@images-collector.com
Lynne Cartwright Adjunct Instructor of Education Director of Field Placements Lavely-Shedenhelm Education Center 117 (419) 448-2089 lcartwri@images-collector.com
Michele Castleman Associate Professor of Education Lavely-Shedenhelm Education Center 119 (419) 448-2129 mcastlem@images-collector.com
Erin Chapman-Hoskins Director Academic Advising Campus Center 313 (419) 448-2479 echapman@images-collector.com
Amber Cieplinski Graduate Assistant for Women's Softball Seiberling Gymnasium (419) 448-2406 acieplin@images-collector.com
Emily Clark National Center for Water Quality Lab Technician Gillmor Science Hall (419) 448-2198 eclark4@images-collector.com